A trademark registration is a branch of intellectual property rights. Intellectual property rights allow people to retain ownership of their innovative product and creative activity. Intellectual property came to light due to the efforts of human labor, so it is limited by the many fees for registration and the fees for infringement. The types of intellectual property are trademarks, copyright act, patent act and design act.
Documents of Trademark Registration
The most important documents for trademark registration are as follows:
- Soft copy of the trademark.
- In the case of a person or HUF
- Proof of identity and;
- Trademark registration in Karur needs Business registration document (if available).
- In case of company / LLP
- Certificate of incorporation and;
- Proof of company address.
- In case of partnership pay firm
- Partnership deed.
Procedure of Trademark Registration
Trademark Search
Before starting the trademark registration process in Trademark registration in Karur, an entrepreneur or trademark professional must search the trademark of the trademark database. A trademark search will provide information about the same or similar trademarks that have already been filed in the trademark registry. Trademark searches will done by visiting the Trademark Registrar website. The India Feelings Learning Center has a guide on “How to do a trademark search” and “Interpreting trademark status”.
Trademark filing
Once the trademark search is complete, an application for Trademark registration in Madurai can be filed with the trademark registrar. The application for trademark registration must make in a prescribe manner and must be file with the fee for trademark registration. The trademark application can be filed at one of the five trademark registrars at state or over line jurisdiction. Trademark application applications can be filed online through IndiaFillings.com or a trademark agent or lawyer.
The trademark registration application must contain the following information:
- Logo or trademark
- Name and address of the trademark owner
- Taxonomy or trademark class
- Trademark use by date
- Description of goods or services
- Trademark application allocation
Once the trademark registration application is filed with the trademark registrar, the trademark application allocation number is provided within one or two working days. The trademark application can then track online through the Trade Online trademark search feature. Typically, upon obtaining a trademark application allocation number, the owner of the trademark may attach the TM symbol next to the logo.
Vienna Codification
The Vienna Classification, or Vienna Codification, establish by the Vienna Convention (1973) is an international classification of the rhetorical elements of virtue. Once an application for trademark registration in Karur has file, the trademark registrar will apply the Vienna classification to the trademark based on the rhetorical elements of the mark. While this work is in progress, the status of the trademark application is usually reflect as “sent for Vienna coding”.
Trademark Exam
Once the Vienna codification is complete, the trademark registration application will allocate to the trademark officer in the trademark registrar in fees. The trademark officer will then review the trademark application for accuracy and issue a trademark examination report. The Trademark Authority has the ability to accept the trademark registration in Karur application and approve the publication of the trademark journal or object to the trademark registration application.
If the trademark registration application will object to by the trademark officer, the trademark applicant has the right to appear before the trademark officer and address the objections. If the Trademark Officer Fischer will satisfy with the trademark applicant’s consent, the trademark will be approved for publication in the Trademark Journal. Otherwise the Trademark Officer will not satisfied with the decision, the Trademark Applicant has the right to appeal the decision of the Trademark Officer before the Intellectual Property Appeal Board.
Trademark Journal Publication
Once the trademark registration application accept by the trademark registrar, the propose trademark will published in the trademark journal. The trademark journal publish weekly and includes all trademarks approved by the trademark registrar. Once a trademark publish in a trademark journal, the public has the opportunity to object to the trademark registration. If no objection is file within 90 days of its publication, the mark will usually be noted .
If a trademark registration in Karur application is oppose by a third-party, a hearing will be sought by the trademark hearing officer. Both the trademark applicant and the opposing party have the opportunity to attend the hearing . They have to make reasonable resolutions to register or reject the trademark application. Based on the hearing and the evidence presented, the trademark hearing officer will decide. The decision of the trademark hearing officer may also be challenge by raising the intellectual property appeal board.
Trademark registration
Once there are no objections or objections to the trademark registration application, a trademark manuscript and a certificate of trademark registration will prepare and sent to the trademark application. Once a certificate of trademark registration has been issued, the trademark is considered the owner’s registered trademark, giving the trademark owner exclusive use of the mark. The symbol can now place next to a logo or trademark.
Advantages of Trademark Registration
Low cost protection up to 10 years:
Trademark registration in Bangalore is done at very low maintenance costs. Once you have registered a trademark have to pay maintenance costs and renewal costs which is 10 years . It is costly and helps your company create a distinctive image.
Global Trademark Registration:
If one wants to register a trademark in a country other than India can be used there on the basis of registration. For anyone wishing to expand outside India, a trademark registered in India can provide a good base with the goodwill established in the country.
Attract human resources: The young mind is eager to join the big brands as it acts as a magnet. When Trademark registration in Karur is done it inspires a positive image of the organization . And so the candidates are easily attracted towards them. . This reduces the cost of hiring and related activities.